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Cornell University

Parking Basics

Parking on the Cornell University Campus

Transportation Services is charged with meeting the commuting and parking needs of a large and diverse community. We provide sustainable transportation services to faculty, staff, students, and visitors; oversee enforcement of parking regulations and traffic control; and offer a variety of short-term parking solutions to meet the needs of the community. 

Getting Started

Parking at Cornell is limited, can be expensive, and is sometimes inconvenient, so we encourage the use of alternative commuting methods such as public transit, walking, biking, and carpoolingTCAT public transit service and mobility options like Ithaca Carshare, Uber, Lyft, and Finger Lakes Rideshare are excellent alternatives to bringing a car. 

Campus parking—except in most time-zone areas—is by permit or payment only. Parking regulations and permit restrictions are in effect whenever the university is open, and are strictly enforced. The accumulation of parking citations can prevent the purchase or renewal of an annual parking permit, and result in the booting and towing of your vehicle. Many parking lots have special evening and weekend restrictions, and only a few are available for no-permit parking between 5 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. and on weekends. In addition, some permit restrictions, such as those in residence hall parking lots and other designated areas, are in force seven days a week, around the clock.


Cornell faculty, staff, and students who bring cars, motorcycles, or motorscooters to the campus must register their license plate with Transportation Services, whether or not they buy a parking permit or only use short-term parking options. License plate and vehicle information must be kept current.