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Cornell University

Green Tree Initiative

Program Description

The Green Tree Initiative (GTI) is a program designed to support the President's Sustainability Initiative, support LEED designation criteria, create sustainable sites, beautify the campus, educate, reach out, research and collaborate with the community, and create an opportunity for alumni and the Cornell community to help restore, and enhance the Cornell campus.

GTI also offers opportunities for student organizations, classes and clubs to raise funds for their individual organizations while being a part of and contributing to a larger restoration/conservation sustainability movement.

The money raised in this effort goes towards a planting and land management program for greening the Cornell Campus, restoring natural areas, and implementing sustainable forestry, carbon sequestration, biomass for biofuels, and similar initiatives.

We believe this program has the potential of being an exemplary model that could be shared with other universities and colleges nationwide in their sustainability programs and efforts.

Benefits of GTI

  • Support Cornell Universities' Climate Action Plan.
  • Educate with regard to the importance of sustainable environments and solutions.
  • Bring people together (networking), and connecting them to green opportunities.
  • Restore Cornell Universities' natural resource areas
  • Create an opportunity for everyone to join in an action plan that reduces greenhouse gases and restores the earth.

Sustainable Planting and Support

GTI serves as a vehicle to generate funding sources to nurture and support numerous sustainable planting efforts on campus to restore and create man-made (designed) and existing natural

GTI will be designed to interface and support programs, centers and organizations like the Cornell Plantations, Tree Campus USA, The Greek Societies, the Sustainability Hub, The Big Red Oak, Student Services, individual alumni and students, the Alumni Association, Cornell Clubs, the Cornell Beautification Program, and all community members.

Outreach and Recognition

Cornell University is unique with its original ideals as a land grant institution. It has investiture, legacy, and is scientifically based and supported. GTI will be created, supported and carried out in the Cornell environment and culture. Donor's contributions to GTI will be verifiable and GTI supported projects will be documented
through Cornell media services.

People will be able to see their contribution and be proud to be part of supporting Cornell's Master Plan for Sustainability, increasing the overall tree canopy on campus, and, reducing green house gases. The opportunity to volunteer and participate in planting program efforts is also possible.

Be A Part of GTI

If you are interested in knowing more about the GTI initiative or wish to contribute financially or in other forms of support to make a difference in the world, “one tree at a time”, Please contact

David Cutter, ASLA, Landscape Architect, Cornell University
(607) 255-2668, (607) 229-4370 (cell) • [email protected]